Revamp Life (Page 2)

10 Tips for Staying Positive in Quarantine

Hi all! I just wanted to reach out during these unprecedented times we are all experiencing and stay hi…how are you?!? I hope you all are staying inspired, active, healthy and above all safe while you are in quarantine mode! If you are anything like me, you are trying to balance a chaotic schedule of homeschooling, working from home, maintainingKEEP READING

20 minute stair workout

Hey Guys! Guess what? We booked a cruise with Carnival cruise lines for our upcoming Spring Break! That’s only approximately 2 months away and I need to get ready for the beach. Not gonna lie, but the Christmas Holiday season took a toll on my body and I saw the scale increase along the way. Between the eating out, theKEEP READING

Playroom Toy Storage

Hey guys! We recently finished revamping our kids playroom in our basement for the Fall One Room Challenge.  This room was the most fun to plan and design!  We even had the kiddos give some input as to the needs and wants in their space. In the end, we designed the space to have 3 zones: The Pretend Zone- aKEEP READING

New Year, New Goals 2020

Hey Guys! It’s the beginning of the year, and it’s the perfect time to start making some goals for the new year ahead.  Once the holidays have settled a bit, I take some quiet time to myself and go over what has happened the previous year. In fact, I love sitting down and reflecting on my goals that I wasKEEP READING

New Year, New Goals- 2019 Reflection

Hey Guys! It’s the beginning of the year, and it’s the perfect time to start making some goals for the new year ahead.  Once the holidays have settled a bit, I like to take some quiet time to myself and go over what has happened the previous year. In fact, I love sitting down and reflecting on my goals thatKEEP READING

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Friday was my last day of teaching and now I’m off for two weeks! Right now, my priorities are to make sure I’m actually ready for Christmas.  This week, I had the opportunity to pull out everything that I have purchased, organize it, and begin my wrapping!  This helped me get a good idea of what IKEEP READING

Back to School Organization Tips

Hey guys! Do you get stressed getting the kids ready for school every single day? I do…so I put some measures in place to keep the stress as low as possible, calm the morning rush and make getting kids ready for school an easy everyday event! Here are my Top 10 Tips for getting Kids Ready for School everyday! 1.KEEP READING

Should you Hire a Cleaning Service?

Hey guys! The debate is real. Should you hire someone to clean your home or can you keep it clean on your own? This debate has been the topic of discussion for the last few years in our household.  And it has nothing to do with the ability to afford a cleaning service either– I mean, technically, this wouldn’t haveKEEP READING

DIY Pool Rules Sign Tutorial

Hey guys! So when we bought this house, it was all because of the backyard oasis & setting.  We now live on a large ravine lot, attach on to a neighborhood park, and have an amazing pool area complete with a slide! However, we found that every time people came over to swim, we would have to review the poolKEEP READING

Summer Bucket List Printout

Needing some ideas to keep busy during the summer break with kids?  I know I do!  We are home for the next 9 weeks together and it’s hard to think of fun ideas to do with the kiddos on the spot. Instead, I brainstormed a bunch of ideas that will keep the boredom away and excitement flowing during these summerKEEP READING