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20 minute stair workout

Guess what?

We booked a cruise with Carnival cruise lines for our upcoming Spring Break! That’s only approximately 2 months away and I need to get ready for the beach.

Not gonna lie, but the Christmas Holiday season took a toll on my body and I saw the scale increase along the way. Between the eating out, the sugary desserts & treats, or just over eating in general…

Oh no- time to get back on track and discipline myself before I let loose again on vacation!  Sound familiar?

How you might ask?  With a 20 minute stair workout of course!

The 20 minute stair workout:

I did this stair workout one summer and it was the most intense workout I’ve ever done. At the end of each workout, I was drenched! In fact, doing this stair workout pushed me past my plateau when I was working hard to lose some weight and get toned up.

Side note– want to read how to lose the last 10 pounds?  Here’s the link to the blog article- Losing the FINAL 10 pounds WITHOUT Working Out!.

So, with only 2 months before we take off on vacation, this stairs workout is the best choice to get me there.  It burns, it’s intense, it works all muscles, and I can do it in my own home!

Sounds like a winner to me 🙂  Keep reading to see what the 20 minute stair workout is…

The 20 minute workout plan:

20 Minute Stair Workout

With all goals, comes an action plan. If I just start doing the workout, most likely I will fail. It’s important to prepare myself for what is about to happen and how I will be able to achieve my goals.

That’s what my January is for.

I give myself a month after the holidays to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming year.  This refers to goals for my career, blogging, our home reno’s, nutrition, organization, and fitness!

But today, it’s all about getting toned up and beach ready for our vacation!

Here’s how to set your goals:

1. Set a goal- what is it that you are trying to achieve?
2. Create a plan to follow- how will you achieve your goal?
3. How to make the plan a success- how can you measure your progress along the way?
4. Motivate yourself and Begin!

For more detailed information about goals, read the following blog post:

Here’s my plan:

1-Goal- to get toned up and beach ready for our upcoming vacation in 2 months by completing the 20 minute stair workout!  Here are my stairs!

My Workout Stairs

2-Action Plan-

  • Eat a plant-based lifestyle full of fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, and legumes (aim for 1500 calories/ day)
  • Get 10,000 steps each day
  • Do the 20 minute stair workout a minimum of 4 x per week
  • Limit snacking, desserts, and get control of late night cravings
  • Limit alcohol intake to 1 – 2 times per week, and only 1 glass of red wine or 1 beer each time.
  • Motivation- before the cruise if I meet my goal, I can buy something new (bathing suit, sundress, etc)
  • Play pump-up music (I enjoy latino/zumba music) and have a timer on-hand during workout.

3-How to make the plan a success-

  • Count daily calories, and keep a food journal.
  • Take a beginning body weight and measurements
  • Monitor weight and measurements on a weekly basis over the next 2 months
  • Wear an activity tracker that records steps, sleep patterns, activity minutes, calories burned, etc.
  • Plan weekly meals and grocery lists- more control over food this way!
  • Enjoy special events such as Valentine’s Day and upcoming birthdays in February.
  • Plan a consistent time of day to complete the workout- mine is after work I enjoy my coffee, and then do the workout before having to get dinner going.

4- Ready, Set, Start!- the plan is ready and now it is time to begin!

Are you ready for the 20 minute stair workout?  Have you completed your action plan?  

Stair Workout

The Intense 20 Minute Stair Workout:

**Disclaimer- I am NOT a trained fitness instructor.  Simply, I am a mom on a mission to get into better shape in the comfort of her own home before a vacation.  I just love making up my own routines and challenging myself through different styles of workouts such as this stair workout**

Great, now that that’s been said, here are 3 versions of this workout.

If at any time you need a break, just pause and step it out before moving on.  And remember to drink lots of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated.


Beginner Version #1

Stair Workout Version 1

Workout #2

Stair Workout Version 2

Push yourself workout #3

Stair Workout Version 3

Final Thoughts:

OK, are you with me? 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this workout.

Last time I did this, it pushed me past my plateau.  Now that I have my plan, I’m ready to take this on and reach my new goal of being beach ready in 2 months 🙂

Stick to the plan and you will achieve success and meet your goals!  Motivate yourself and push through the initial week.  Once you do this, you will get hooked, I PROMISE, and enjoy seeing the results.

Today I did my 1st 20 minute stair workout- and I was exhausted at the end of it.  It took me just over 20 minutes to complete, but that time will decrease as I get better and stronger along the way.  I’m telling ya…my legs feel like jello right now!

So what are you waiting for?  Give it a whirl…

Good luck y’all!

So…are you inspired to complete the 20 minute stair workout and tone up your body?

Stair Workout- 20 Minute

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