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I just got home from our family mini-vacation yesterday to find the UPS package that I’ve been waiting for sitting on my front porch!

What is it you ask?

Well, if you remember, I had a few foyer updates in mind to complete this summer and one of them was putting on some stair decals! That’s what arrived!

I’m going to take you through the entire process to show you just how easy it is to get this same look…and inexpensive too!

OK, before we get to the tutorial, here’s a reminder of what our stairs looked like before.

Stairs Before Decal

We have a sunken front foyer with 2 steps up to the main living area. When we first did the renovation, I wanted the hardwood steps with white stair risers.

But then I discovered stair riser decals and knew I needed them in my Modern Farmhouse design.

Stair Riser Decals Tutorial:

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Materials required–

  • stair decal strips
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • razor blade
  • cleaning cloth
  • helper (optional)
  • A little bit of patience 🙂

Sourcing, Shopping, and Waiting for Stair Decals to Arrive

Like I said above, I have been eyeing stair riser decals since the renovation was complete.  I actually had a few options in my cart prior to making the final decision. There are just so many amazing choices!  Click here for some great options!

The stair riser decal tile sticker that I finally chose was the Moroccan Styles Vinyl Decal Strips from Infinite Dots on Amazon.  They are the 7.5″ stair decal that cost only $63 plus tax and included free shipping! It is one of those products that if it doesn’t work out…it was worth the risk and not really digging dip into the wallet.

It arrived on my doorstep in a cardboard box.  The product was wrapped in bubble wrap and had a thank you sticker from the company on it.  As well, there were simple instructions on how to install the decal in 4 different languages. There were only 4 steps in total!

Decal Arrived!
Stair Decal Instructions

Step One: Clean the Surface

Easy step right?!?  I got our my trusty Norwex Enviro cloth and wiped the stair risers down as well as the area nearby- so that no dust gets trapped under the sticker and creates bumps.  Read more about the eco-friendly way to clean with Norwex here!

Step Two: Peel Small Portion of Stair Decals

Well, I wish it was this easy, but for some reason, I measured our stair riser to be 7.5″ and ordered this sizing.  However, they are too wide, and thus, I needed to cut them about an inch width.

Measure Stair Decal

No Biggie- added a couple of extra minutes, but all I needed was a ruler, pencil and scissors to cut the decals.  I checked all of the stairs first and they all needed about an inch cut off, so I chose to cut all the decals at once to be efficient!

Resize Stair Decal

Now I’m ready to peel a bit and get it into place.  Luckily for me, I had my trusty sidekick son helping with the process and he would hold the sticker backing as I gently pressed the decal into place.  The bubbles were really easy to press out and the vinyl did not crease or pinch at all!

Peeling the Stair Decal

Step Three: Keep Peeling & Sticking the Stair Decals

Our stairs in our front foyer were longer than the stair riser decal, so the most difficult part of the entire process was matching up the second decal perfectly.

This took a bit of patience, but once it was perfectly lined up, the process seemed effortless in sticking and pushing out any of the sticker bubbles along the way.

Now for the trickiest part….the final edge cut!  I used a razor blade to get a perfect cut into our corners and even around our baseboards that were already in place!

Step Four:  Repeat for each stair!

OK, one down…three to go!

In the end, each step got easier to complete and by the time I moved on to my smaller steps coming into the kitchen from the mudroom, I was a pro!

Let me just say….I love them!  How about you–>

Moroccan Stair Decal

For a whole $63 + tax, they are worth it!  It only took about an hour to complete all four stairs too!  Here is a final before/ after shot of the stairs and what a difference the stair riser decals make!

BEFORE                                             AFTER

Stairs Before Decal
Stairs after Decal

They make such a visual impact when walking into our home and I’ve already had some many compliments about them on InstagramIf you are not already, you should follow and keep up on all the fun projects we continue to do for our home!

The stair riser decals continue adding to our Modern Farmhouse design & will be a conversation starter for guests as they walk into our home. 

I hope this tutorial helped to inspire you to try out some stair riser decals in your home too!  They really are THAT easy to install 🙂  Check out the great options below!

Related Posts:

So…inspired to add some stair riser decals to your home?  Leave your thoughts below!

Foyer Stairs
Mudroom Stair Decal
Stair Decal Front Foyer

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