Want a refreshing and quick way to get fit in the summer?  Look no further, this 10 minute fat burning summer pool workout is simple and you won’t even know that you are working out!

Awesome Summer Pool Workout

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I’m a mom of 3 and in the summer, (yes…even though I am off), finding time to workout can be difficult.  The majority of time, I’m catering to my kids who are constantly hungry.  They must be growing 🙂  And if I do happen to find some time to workout, I definitely do NOT want to work out in the hot, hot heat OR be stuck indoors!

So, in order to make some much needed mommy workout time, I devised up this summer pool workout that is only 10 MINUTES!  That’s right- it’s only 10 MINUTES!!! 

The best part? You don’t even feel as though you are working out when in the water!

I’m so happy with this summer pool workout, that I wanted to share it with all of you!

Once the workout is complete, you will be able to have lots of time to continue swimming and having fun in the water with your kids or even lounge around the pool and enjoy the day!

SO…what is the summer pool workout?!?

There are 4 different options when choosing this summer pool workout including:

  • Leg Workout
  • Ab Workout
  • Full Body Workout
  • Pool Noodle Workout

In fact, the only pool equipment needed is:

How the summer pool workout works:

For each of the workouts, there are 10 different exercise moves.  Yes, you guessed it, each move is 1 minute long.  Complete the exercise move for 40 seconds and take a 20 second break in between moves.

If you can–push yourself to do the exercise move for the entire 60 seconds.  If not, then during your break, grab a quick drink of water or get yourself set up for the next exercise.

And…If you are really feeling up for it and have enough energy, complete a second round of the circuit!

10 Minute Summer Pool Workout Circuits:

Leg Workout- focus on toning those thigh, calf & butt muscles!

10 minute leg pool workout

Ab Workout- working on trimming the core and strengthening the lower back!

10 minute ab core pool workout

Full Body Workout- a great combination working the entire body!

10 minute full body pool workout

Pool Noodle Workout– add a pool noodle to do some fun exercise moves in the deeper waters and provide some resistance too!

10 minute pool noodle workout

Final Thoughts:

You will see the results if you stick with this routine.  Aim for 3-4 times per week for the entire summer. 

Love the simplicity of this workout?  Stay tuned for more upcoming workouts that I put together to revamp myself and improve my health!

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So…what are you waiting for?  Ready to try your NEW SUMMER POOL WORKOUT?!?!

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